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Individual Production Services for Hire

With first hand knowledge in the Production field our team of experts is here to help you create the best product to match your needs.  We offer individual services aside from our full production packages. 


DIT / Colorist

Our experienced DIT has worked on numerous sets ranging from music videos, commercials, and films. The knowledge of multiple formats, interfaces, programs and equipment has helped us provide a wide variety of support to productions.


With our on-site colorist, your production will be able to see real time color on your images as well as get a jump start on your post process by preloading your color templates to the footage as it is organized for dailies.

Using the latest equipment and techniques, we look to provide a seamless transition into your post-production process.


Directors bring your ideas and dreams to life. 

With a wide range of skills and experience in different fields ranging from TV, Film, Music Video, Interviews and Commercials, our Directors are able handle any level of production.


Using their collaboration and creative skills, they will work with you to give you the best possible product.

Cinematographer, Camera Operator and Assistants

Whether you're looking for a Director of Photography, camera operators, or camera assistants, we have you covered. ​

In collaboration with Arrow Camera, all of your camera needs will be covered.  


With a wide variety of camera knowledge and experience, Joe Sanchez from Arrow Camera will be able to help choose which format as well as camera is best for your production.

Story Boarding 

With our skilled artists, we are able to provide high quality storyboards for your production. Working alongside the Producers, Director and DP, our artists are able to bring your shots and creative vision to life.  

Our storyboard artists create digital as well as hard copies of the storyboard making it easy for you to take your vision with you, whether it be on an iPad for a Digital reference or on posters for production meetings.


Producing is the most important part of a production. With the proper producers, any production can be put together properly.  

Our producers handle all of your production needs, big or small. They start with organizing essential materials for pre-production, putting together the right crew, casting actors and extras as well as scheduling and permitting. They will stay along with the project until there is a finished product.



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